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equivalent mass中文是什么意思

用"equivalent mass"造句"equivalent mass"怎么读"equivalent mass" in a sentence


  • 等效质量。


  • Research on the equivalent mass of spring
  • The price tag for an amg model is $ 25 , 000 - $ 35 , 000 higher than for the equivalent mass - production version
    一辆amg款轿车的售价,比对等的量产版高2 . 5万美元至3 . 5万美元。
  • During the course of the example computing this paper also discusses how to get the rigid measure of the solid tires , equivalent mass of the boom and equivalent rigid measure of the boom
  • The total shielding effects of the materials with certain thickness for fission neutron and - ray are all much better than iron , and the equivalent masses are lower than iron at same shielding effect
  • In this article based on vibration theory of the flexural plate , the frequency equation , the equivalent mass and radiation impedance are derived and further , design theory is introduced
  • 2 . to the circular plate working in axial symmetry vibration at resonant frequency , the equivalent mass in analytical form is derived , that ' s is , , and further , the equivalent compliance is obtained using the formula c = 1l 2 m
    对于工作在谐振频率下做轴对称运动的阶梯圆板,采用解析法求得它的等效质量,并由c = 1 / ~ 2m求得等效弹性系数。
  • Strip - shape underground structures such as the tunnels and tubes for various uses can be treated as a beam on elastic foundation under earthquake condition , although there exists soil - structure interaction , the foundation soil vibration is dominant in other words , analysis of earthquake response of the soil is essential to this end , simplified models , ( i . e equivalent mass system models based on some equivalence criteria ) are proposed , instead of a general 3 - d continuum model in this study , equivalence criteria are proposed and the simplified models are compared the single - mass - string model is proved to be valid and therefore applied to the analysis of earthquake response of the pearl river immersed tunnel
用"equivalent mass"造句  


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